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    Taylor is a workaholic with not a lot going on in her social life. Olive is an aspiring actress, with little money to her name.As the holidays near, Taylor gets a call from her dad about visiting her family for Christmas and that they finally want to meet her girlfriend. She agrees, after feeling guilty about not seeing them in a long time, but there's a problem: Taylor and her girlfriend recently broke up. Not wanting her family to know that her relationship failed, Taylor considers looking for a date to hire. After a few bad dates, she decides to tell her parents the truth. But, wait, not before her coworker, unbeknownst to Taylor, puts an ad in the personals. But nobody reads those anymore, right? In a play of fate, one person accidentally stumbles upon the ad, Olive. After reading the amount of money being offered, she's determined to book this gig. As it's coming down to the wire, Taylor agrees and hires Olive. They head to her parents' house for the holidays and must convince everyone that they're in a romantic relationship and not the total strangers that they are.


    • 10.0捷克士兵爆笑从军经历好兵帅克Svatopluk,Benes,Josef,Hlinomaz,Frantisek,Filipovský,Eva,Svobodová,Rudolf,Hrusínský,Bozena,Havlícková
    • 1.0HD中字倒霉博古米尔·科别拉,Krystyna,Karkowska,芭芭拉·拉斯
    • 9.0HD中字与安德烈晚餐华莱士·肖恩,安德烈·格雷戈里,让·莱瑙尔,Roy,Butler
    • 5.0HD新扎师妹粤语杨千嬅,吴彦祖,许绍雄,黄浩然,森美,周骢,邹凯光,李兆基,麦兆辉,邱琦雯
    • 6.0正片冤家变亲家波姬·小丝,本杰明·布拉特,米兰达·卡斯格拉夫,瑞秋·哈里斯,肖恩·蒂尔,查德·迈克尔·墨瑞,迈克尔·麦克唐纳,威尔逊·克鲁兹,塔斯尼姆·罗克,达利普·索地,萨哈贾克·波斯安吉特,Sue,Swallow,喜利图,Phukit,Manowong,Kittiya,Kanjanakom,Bill,Heinecke,Bethany,Nicole,Cummins,Kimi,Pillay,Amber,Silk,Mohamed,Abdelrhim
    • 1.0HD霹雳先锋粤语李修贤,周星驰,成奎安,何家驹,黄光亮,韩坤,王俊棠
    • 10.0高清义胆厨星成龙,理查德·诺顿,李婷宜,洪金宝,周华健,
    • 6.0正片神推偶像登上武道馆我就死而无憾 剧场版松村沙友理,中村里帆,和田美羽,伊礼姬奈,MOMO,KANO,SOYO,GUMI,丰田裕大,ジャンボたかお
    • 5.0HD中字12把椅子朗·穆迪,弗兰克·兰格拉,多姆·德路易斯,安德烈亚斯·武齐纳斯,Diana,Coupland,Vlada,Petric,Will,Stampe,Nicholas,Smith,Rada,Djuricin,Branka,Veselinovic,姆拉贾·维塞利诺维奇,梅尔·布鲁克斯,Petar,Banicevic,Dejan,Cavic,Ljubomir,Cipranic,Radmilo,Curcic,Bogdan,Jakus,Vojislav,Micovic,Radomir,Popovic,Milivoje
    • 6.0HD中字假期历险记2015艾德·赫尔姆斯,克里斯蒂娜·艾伯盖特,莱斯利·曼恩,比佛莉·德安姬罗,切维·切斯,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯,伊丽莎白·吉莱丝,斯凯勒·吉桑多,尼克·克罗尔,查理·戴,科甘-迈克尔·凯,凯特琳·奥尔森,迈克尔·佩纳,雷吉娜·赫尔,山姆·莱文
    • 3.0HD打雀英雄传粤语谢贤,岳华,丁佩,曹达华,关海山,钱小豪,梁珍妮
    • 5.0更新2乌龙帮办逢凶化吉彼得·塞勒斯,赫伯特·罗姆,黛恩·坎农


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